1. There are 7 elements for effective digital storytelling (see link at bottom for webpage and/or video)
- Point of view – be clear on your point of the story and who you are telling the story to.
- Dramatic question – use at the beginning, engages viewer.
- Emotional content – maintains interest, can create change in the viewer.
- The gift of your voice – you may not like the sound, but others will!
- The power of the soundtrack – compliments, and can enhance, emotion
- Economy – keep it brief, use pictures to replace words.
- Pacing – make use of rhythm, tempo and speed
2. Emotion and dramatic question appear to be the most challenging parts as per participants
3. Emotion is key for engaging the viewer
4. PowToon lays out a great sequence of steps: Write your script, record voice and then add images
5. There are many types of software, some higher grade and costing money but also some very good software that is free. (see resources section)
6. As instructors digital storytelling can be a powerful tool to break up the mundane, to teach course content, to inspire students in their chosen profession and to bring awareness of important facets of their chosen occupation.
7. When preparing a digital story keep in mind that you have seven seconds to engage your viewer(s), make sure you start with a bang! Identifying a problem they may have or asking a powerful question are great ways to start.
8. Only one participant had prior experience with digital storytelling
9. People are more likely to remember a message presented through effective digital storytelling, as opposed to just being told the message, which is especially due to the emotional component.
10. If using PowerPoint there are some very good points to remember in order to maintain the attention of your audience, and to increase retention of the information (see “How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint” video, there is also a great slideshow from a student to a teacher. Links are below)
How To Avoid Death by Powerpoint TED talk Video:
Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling Document:
Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling Document:
Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling in Four Minutes Video:
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