Friday, 25 September 2015


When attempting to bring energy to the forum that I'm facilitating on digital storytelling, I discovered the main thing I was missing was passion. Why was I missing it? Because I couldn't concretely see how it was relevant to myself or the other students. I knew that the info on digital creation was very helpful for all of us working on our current project, but is this project a form of storytelling? It could be, but it may not be. Could I apply this teaching strategy to my own future practice as an instructor?

Yes, I can.

I watched several YouTube videos on digital storytelling and I was greatly affected by two specific videos. The first was of a history teacher who used digital storytelling as an assignment for her students, they each picked a topic to be covered, created a fun and engaging digital story and presented to the class. This really struck me because I had a very hard time with History, never really wanted to know what all those people did way back then. However, if this project had been an option when I was in highschool, I believe I would have actually been engaged.

Second, a TED talk about a teacher, Emily Bailin, who asked her students where they were from, asked them to go deeper, where are you from? The students would end up creating a story of who they were, in great detail and prepare a digital story. The teacher had one as well. What an excellent way to start creating a cohesiveness within the group. She has also done this project with Instructors. What a great way to encourage instructors to get to know themselves, to become comfortable with their own stories.

I have provided links to both video's at the bottom of this post.

I contemplated how I can utilize this powerful tool in my own future teaching of Health Care Assistant's.

I can have the students create digital projects on parts of the pre-established curriculum. Saves time in the classroom, makes the topics fun and engaging and helps with retention and full understanding of the information.

And more on the emotional side of things.....

I can have the students create their own stories on why they want to be a care aid, what a great tool that they will have forever to remind themselves why they chose that occupation. In many occupations one can start to become unfocused or disengaged as challenges unfold, where their heart is no longer in it. What if they could have something that came from their heart, to remind them of the "Why?" of their decision? How powerful could that be?

Also, my passion for teaching HCA's stems from a desire to incorporate compassion and empathy into the curriculum. Creating a digital story from a patient's perspective, drawing on emotions, can be a wonderful way to remind the students that these are people that have fears, hopes, physical challenges, struggles, triumphs; people that are somebody's mother, father, sister, brother, child. People who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity whether or not you, as a health care worker. are tired, stressed, or frustrated.

I hope that we all have some aspect that we are passionate about in our future teaching, something that drove us to take this step from working in the field to wanting to instruct. Digital Storytelling is a powerful way to get that message out.

History Teacher:
Emily Bailin:

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